Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life pe Fida, JD pe Fida

At 00:52 hrs its probably my JD speaking
or its probably my heart; what ever is the reason it made me open my blog page and scribble my heart down on a piece of HTML page.

What would I ever do without V who
Even after 4 pegs;
Even after not cooking;
Even after not tiding up;
Loves me like never before

What would we do without friends like S
Who without fail accompanies me till my last drink;
Who loves seeing us together;
Smiles at our fights and accepts us as who we are,
Sings and dances with us
Sharing joys and sadness together

For V and our very close friend S; for friendship and life


Priya Shankar said...

awww.. i love this. there are some people in life that bring so much warmth and happiness...unconditional love

Priya Shankar said...

where are you my bloggy friend!? I miss your posts.