Saturday, April 3, 2010

Shopping Stuff or Junk?

During my Holiday in India, of course ventured out on a lot of shopping and once I got back home, I would be back with loads of plastic covers as a result of walking in and out of several stores. When I had to re pack into suitcase, I started ripping them of the nice fancy package and just the stuff went into my suitcase.

In the end when I finally felt like I am done and looked around to see that I am surrounded by unwanted plastic, cardboard boxes and paper. OMG! I said to myself, it seemed be a lot more that the goods that I shopped, which just goes into the bin.

When will these big brands stop emphasising on looks and package. Of-course I realise that the goods travel from the production house to the warehouse to the retailer and then to the consumer. But isn't there a better way of distributing these goods? I directly do not have an answer for this but then I realised what I could do is say No to Plastic Covers.

So from the next day I walked into the Mall and tell the cashier that I Don't need a bag, and I make sure to carry a small fordable carry bags either from Tesco or the one one my cousin gave my mom (and I flicked it from amma :P) from and trust me I feel so good about making this decision. Now there is less junk that goes into my bin :)


Anita said...

Couldn't you have taken another small steps bag from me! That one was meant for Chitti!

Mohan said...

Thats great! Going Green should be the mantra for all of us. Small steps will certainly to add up to big difference.

Vinita Apte said...

way to go...having plastic bags really unnerves me. I too carry a jute bag from Sainsbury's for all my shopping.

Srividya Padmanabhan said...

Thanks Mohan and lazy pineapple, I also think apart from going green and using Jute bag, we should serioulsy take action and support organisation like small steps. The best part is it does not cost us anything. So please approach them and ask for your own bags and start distributing...

@Mohan - I am not sure if its possible, but it would be a great idea to campaign in front of the tuck shop down your street and ask them not to give away bags for free. Speak to the own and persuade him to charge, and people will start becoming smarter and carry their own bag.
@Lazy Pineapple - I wish there was a better name to call u than Lazy pineapple.