Saturday, February 14, 2009


One of my new year determinations was to get into the National Lilac Team of SGI UK, my interview date is 14th March and my 1st obstacle is on its way. The ticket prices are at sky rocking rates. I wonder how will i manage to get there...

but i am sure will get there somehow... lets wait and watch.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Year

It's so true when Sensei say's "As practioners of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism we must work twice as hard as others."

New Year' eve is a day when people get drunk to welcome new begining of the 1st day of the new year, and finally land up staying hung over the entire day. This does not make sense to me. Viju and I went out for dinner, met few friends, few drinks and finally got back at 2 am, but then i woke up at 8 and started the New Year by attending the New Year meeting. The meeting was so cheerful and nice. I was exciting to see a bunch for 40 people chanting together on the New year. I guess this is what Sensei means by contributing twice as hard as others :). But the irony is that deep within me i never felt like a new year and a fresh start until i happened to read The Human Revolution Vol 3. The book came to me as a gift from the New Year's day meeting.

I was amazed by reading the 1st few pages of this book where Toda Sensei Say's "Just as last year? I would be extremely displeased if Mr... looked grumpy, just as last year..." and so on. One needs to read it to understand what i am trying to get at.Basically it was a slap in my back to say wake up girl... its a new year a fresh start and not just another year. From then on, i had this new list of determinations and started the year with a fresh vigor to win.

Thank you Sensei :)

Wake up Girl!!!

"It's never too late" is what i said to myself as began to write this blog.

Happy 2009 :) . A great year to look forward too.,, It's special for me as i think, determine and begin my fresh challenges not for me but for Vijay as well. I am exicited, nervous and scared about our dreams and challenges. The list is long and it's nearly a month over as i write this down but I guess it's worth giving it a try. Finally this is my wish list :-

To learn driving and get a car by June
To win everysingle day at my current work place and find the right job for me By June
To join the National Lilac Team
To have a great holiday with Priya in June, 2 trips to India, and 1 more to a unknow destinations. ( guess i am asking for too much here... )
Vijay and I to be completely Victorious at work
And finally to Blog more, cook more and not be messy :P

Good Luck Vidya!!!!